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How to speak English fluently with your friend?

Speak English fluently is easy. You know, when we start talking, we don't find what to say after a while. So, I have presented some simple conversations here. You can follow it. Hope you can discuss anything with your friends and strangers. Follow these conversations

Then why delay?

How to speak English fluently with your friend?

1. Conversation between Shahin and Afsar:

Shahin: Hi, friend, How are you? 
Afsar: Not fine. I am in tension.
Shahin: What is the tension about?
Afsar: I have cut a sorry figure in the examination once again.

Shahin: You are responsible for it.
Afsar: How?

Shahin: You are a late riser. So, you cannot complete your lessons on time. 
Afsar: Are you right?
Shahin: Sure. Besides, you cannot enjoy good health for being a late riser. 
Afsar: Please, explain.

Shahin: An early riser inhales fresh air in the morning and enjoys sound health, Therefore, he is attentive to his lessons. 
Afsar: What else? 
Shahin: He starts his work early and is rewarded early. 

Afsar: Thanks. I will get up early tomorrow.
Shahin: Thank you too.

2. Conversation between Karima and Nayeem:

Karima: Nayeem, have you enjoyed the final match between Germany and Argentina? 
Nayeem: Yes, it was a big final. 

Karima: Two finalists were strong. Was I a big fan of Argentina and you?
Nayeem: I also supported Argentina. Argentina got a chance to score a goal but failed.

Karima: You're right. But I think both teams were trying to score a goal at all. 
Nayeem: Thus, ninety minutes were gone. But no steam proved successful in making a goal. 

Karima: Really, we all were excited by thinking that who would be the winner of the FIFA WORLD CUP - 2014.
Nayeem: You're right. Then extra time was declared.

Karima: I expected Argentina was going to win the match.
Nayeem: And at last, Mario Gotze of Germany celebrated scoring his team's first goal in extra time. 

Karima: Argentina had only three minutes in their hand to level the score. But it was difficult to score a goal in the last three minutes.
Nayeem: At last, Germany won the FIFA WORLD CUP - 2014. We, all supporters of Argentina, became silent!

3. Conversation between Jak and the young man:

Mr Jak: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to the language section?
Yong men: Sorry, I really don't know. You could ask the man at the counter over there.

Mr Jak: (To the man at the canteen) Excuse me. Could you please direct me to the language section? 
The man: Yes, It is in room 20. Go up the stairs to the first floor and then turn right. It is the first room on your left.

Mr Jak: First-floor turn right, then? I am so sorry. Could you say that again, please?
The man: Yes, take the stair to the first floor, turn right, and it is the first room on your left. Room 20.

Mr Jak: Thank you very much. 
The man: You are well come. 

4. Conversation between Rihan and Matin.

Rihan: Hi, friend. How are you? 
Matin: Not well at all. I am with a great problem.

Rihan: Can I know your problem?
Matin: Yes. Why not? I have been coughing for a couple of weeks, my friend.

Rihan: Have you not gone to a doctor? 
Matin: Of course. But he told me to give up smoking first.

Rihan: The doctor is right. 
Marin: But you know how much I like smoking.

Rihan: But this will kill you slowly but surely. 
Marin: How?

Rihan: Smoking is detrimental to our health. It causes cancer, respiratory diseases, and heart diseases. 
Marin: Are you sure?

Rihan: Hundred percent sure. 
Marin: Then I must give up the habit from this time forth.

Rihan: Thank you. 
Marin: Ok. Bye.

Rihan: Bye.

5. Conversation between Rana and Rina:

Rana: Where are you going at early morning? 
Rina: I am going to buy a newspaper. Would you like to go with me?
Rana: No, I do not read newspapers.
Rina:  Why?

Rana: I just do not like to read it. 
Rina: But reading a newspaper is an important thing. It helps to know what is happening in the farthest corner of the world. It brings the world closer.

Rana: Watching TV is enough for that. 
Rina: But there is a lot of extra news that is available only in a newspaper.

Rana: Ok. I understand the importance of reading newspapers. I will read it from tomorrow onward. 
Rina: Thank you.

Rana: Welcome.

6. Conversation between Myself and Friend.

Myself: Hi, friend. How are you doing today?
Friend: I am doing well. And you?

Myself: Well. By the by, what is your opinion about illiteracy in Bangladesh?
Friend: A number one problem for her.

Myself: Is that all? 
Friend: A great curse too.

Myself: Why?
Friend: It is hindering the country from all development.

Myself: Then what is the solution?
Friend: The problem should be eradicated.

Myself: But how?
Friend: First of all, public awareness is essential. Then poverty must be removed.

Myself: We should co-operate with the government, Right? 
Friend: Right. 

Myself: Thank you. 
Friend: Welcome.

7. Conversation between Myself and Friend.

Myself: Hi, friend. How are you? 
Friend: Not fine. I am in tension.

Myself: What is the tension about?
Friend: I cut a sorry figure in English once again.

Myself: You should improve your English.
Friend: But how?

Myself: You have to read story books written in English. 
Friend: Is that all? 

Myself: You have to read in English daily, every day. Besides, you should watch English movies and TV news. 
Friend: Thanks for your suggestion. 

Myself: You are welcome.

8. Conversation between Saheed and Doctor.

Saheed: May I come in, sir? 
Doctor: Sure. What is your problem?

Saheed: I have been suffering from a fever. 
Doctor: Fever? 

Saheed: Yes, sir, 
Doctor: How did you get it? 

Saheed: I do not know, sir. But I think it is for the bad weather. 
Doctor: Ok. I will just take your temperature. You are still running at a high temperature. 

Saheed: Anything serious, sir? 
Doctor: It is nothing serious. I am prescribing you two kinds of tablets. Take them before meals thrice a day. You will come round soon.

Saheed: How long should I continue them? 
Doctor: For seven days.

Saheed: Thanks. 
Doctor: Welcome.

9.  Conversation between Myself and Jamal.

Myself: Hi, friend. How are you? 
Jamal: Fine. And you?

Myself: Fine. By the by, what are you doing? 
Jamal: I am reading a novel.

Myself: Do you read books every day? 
Jamal: Yes, reading books is my hobby.

Myself: It is a good habit. It will widen your domain of knowledge at all.
Jamal: Maybe. But can I know your hobby?

Myself: Of course. Gardening is my hobby.
Jamal: That is good. It is a source of pleasure for you as well.

Myself: Certainly, my hobby removes my monotony. It keeps my body healthy. Therefore, I can be attentive to my lessons.
Jamal: Your hobby is really praiseworthy.

Myself: Thank you.
Jamal: Wellcom.

10. Conversation between Myself and Manager.

Myself: May I come in, sir? 
Manager: Yes, come in. Sit down, please.

Myself: Thanks. 
Manager: Well. How can I help you? Sir,

Myself: I would like to open an account here So could I seek your help? 
Manager: Of course. You have to open a savings account. Here is a form. Fill up this and sign at the bottom of the form.

Myself: Anything else? 
Manager: Oh, yes. Here is a signature card. Put your three specimen signatures in it. Then go to the officer over there with two passport-size photos.

Myself: What amount do I require first? 
Manager: 1000 taka. 

Myself: Thanks for your help.
Manager: Welcome.

11. Conversation between Hasan and Habib.

Hasan: Hi, friend. How are you?
Habib: Well, but a little bit worried.

Hasan: Why may I know?
Habib: I am anxious about the coming exam/test.

Hasan: Have you not taken your preparation well?
Habib: Yes. I still feel nervous. By the by, how is your preparation?

Hasan: Up to my expectation, you can say.
Habib: That means you will do better.

Hasan: I hope so. 
Habib: Ok. I have to go now. See you again.

Hasan: Bye.

12. Conversation between Rana and Raju.

Rana: Hi, friend. How are you?
Raju: Fine. And you? 

Rana: Fine. By the by, how do you enjoy your city life?
Raju: Very well. I am enjoying all the modern opportunities there. 

Rana: True. Is it free from air pollution? 
Raju: No, we have to inhale the polluted air. Not only that, there is much scarcity of water.

Rana: You also face the problem of traffic jams 
Raju: True.

Rana: You can never enjoy the natural beauty. Besides, the city people are not easy and simple like the country people.
Raju: Yes.

Rana: So, you stay with us and be natural 
Raju: I will try to follow your suggestion

Rana: Ok. Good - bye.
Raju: Good - bye.

13. Conversation between Shahin and Afsar.

Shahin: Hello, friend. How is it going?
Afsar: Not fine. I am in tension.

Shahin: What is the tension about?
Afsar: My health is breaking down day by day.
Shahin: I think you yourself are responsible for it.
Afsar: How?

Shahin: You do not take physical exercise. So, your health is breaking down. 
Afsar: Is there any benefit of physical exercise?

Shahin: Sure. It makes our body strong. It keeps our body immune from various diseases.
Afsar: What else?

Shahin: Physical exercise helps us to enjoy sound health. Therefore, we can be attentive to our lessons.
Afsar: How can we take physical exercise?

Shahin: By walking, swimming, and playing games and sports.
Afsar: Thanks. I will take physical exercise from today onward. 

Shahin: Thank you too.


14. Conversation between Mim and Dina.

Mim: Hi, friend. What are you doing?
Dina: I am reading an article about the students ' failure in English.

Mim: Can you tell me the reasons behind it? 
Dina: The first and foremost cause is the faulty syllabus.
The lessons are not suitable for teenage students. So, they do not find any interest in their lessons.

Mim: Besides, the country lacks quality English teachers. 
Dina: That is true. Moreover, students fear this foreign language.
Mina: For this, the syllabus should be made easy. 
Dina: Not only that, the questions of the examination should be easy too.

Mim: Students should not cram anything. They should try to understand everything.
Dina: You are right. 

Mim: Thanks for your constructive discussion. 
Dian: Welcome.

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